Before & After School Care

teacher studentsAt Small Steps we provide a vibrant program before and after school in a stimulating environment to keep your child intrigued. We promote self-help skills, independent learning and small and large group activities.

We follow the ELECT (Early Learning for Every Child Today) document for our programming. Our day consists of a combination of teacher planned and child directed activities. These activities are all based on the teacher's observations of the children. They reflect learning and skill building in the Domains of Social, Emotional, Communication, language and literacy, Cognitive and Physical.

We begin our day with a snack. It provides a time to decompress from school and visit with friends. Next, time set aside to do homework. The Registered Childhood Educator is on hand to help. If your child does not have homework, quiet learning activities such as reading or brain teasers are available.

After this time, we offer a variety of activities that include, but are not limited to Lego robotics, arts and crafts, creative experiences, cooking activities, co-operative games, dramatic centre and floor toys. Each child has the opportunity to choose his/her own activities based on their interests.

We are inclusive in our play and children are encouraged to invite new children into play. We encourage children to problem solve and introduce conflict resolution skills with children. We believe that each child is a unique person and we encourage them to grow and maintain their individuality by providing an accepting environment.

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