Readiness for Kindergarten

kids craftsGetting ready for Kindergarten is an exciting time! It is, sometimes, overshadowed by the thoughts of "what if my child is not ready?" That is where we can help set your mind at ease.

Our friendly Registered Early Childhood Educator will lead our class that maintains a 1:10 ratio. This group will focus on building independent skills so that they are prepared for Kindergarten. We focus on dressing, group learning, independent work stations, pre – reading and pre-math skills.

We follow the ELECT (Early Learning for Every Child Today) document for our programming. Our day consists of a combination of teacher planned and child directed activities. These activities are all based on the teacher's observations of the children. They reflect learning and skill building in the Domains of Social, Emotional, Communication, language and literacy, Cognitive and Physical.

Children will learn in a stimulating environment that recognizes that children learn at their own pace. Activities are planned based on teacher's observations and the needs of the children to help them reach their full potential. We recognize that all of our children have had different experiences leading up to this phase of their lives and that will shape how they are learning. We use a combination of small group and large group experiences to enhance learning. Children are encouraged to explore the room and activities and spend their day with a mix of teacher directed and child directed activities.

We facilitate learning with the use of manipulatives, puzzles, arts and crafts, creative art, phonics, dramatic play, and a science centre. We also create individual learning plans to help children develop their cognitive abilities to aid in problem solving, their fine motor skills to help master writing, their reading skills and their math skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.

We focus on learning problem solving skills and conflict resolution skills. We work to learn the give and take of cooperation. We work towards learning to follow a series of instructions. We strive for independence and being able to take care of one 's self and belongings. And at the end of the day, we build your child's self-esteem so that when they start school, they are confident in the fact that they are smart, that they are a good learner and that they can succeed in school.

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