Infant Program


At Small Steps, we have an Infant program that accommodates babies 3 months to 18 months. There is a ratio of one teacher to three infants. The daily routine follows your instructions for your child. They eat and sleep on their own schedule.

We follow the ELECT (Early Learning for Every Child Today) document for our programming. Our day consists of a combination of teacher planned and child directed activities. These activities are all based on the teacher's observations of the children. They reflect learning and skill building in the Domains of Social, Emotional, Communication, language and literacy, Cognitive and Physical.

Babies are warmly greeted when they arrive, starting their day off right. We ask that you give us a few minutes so that we know how their evening and sleep went. Then we tweak their day accordingly. We provide affection and comfort as we help them to become more independent. Learning to crawl and walk at their own speed are important milestones as well as learning to feed themselves. Social development flourishes when the babies are able to play with their peers.

Sensory is an important part of how babies learn. Music playing helps to stimulate them and sets the tone for the activities and time of day. Sensory activities are used to experiment with different materials. This is the beginning of math and science exploration as they start to learn what happens when...., also quantitative concepts such as more or less, how much and too much are beginning to be learned.

Finger painting is a creative activity that helps the babies start to learn that they have control over their actions and that their actions have an outcome.

Manipulatives are used for stacking, sorting, sequencing. Puzzles introduce size and shape and space awareness. Tubes and forts also assist with this, helping to also recognize that things remain when you can't see them.

We are able to accommodate breast feeding moms. You are able to pop in to feed your child or you can leave us expressed milk.
We are able to accommodate cloth diapers.

We know that it is important to build a trusting relationship with our parents so that we can care for their child in the manner that they wish.

We are outside in the morning and in the afternoon for up to an hour each time. The duration is determined by the weather.

We offer a transition schedule that fits the needs of both, our parents and babies.

Infant Program gets full quickly. Take into account that some children are in transition to the next program as they grow.
Waiting list available at all times.   CONTACT US OR BOOK A TOUR

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